Analisis Marketing Mix dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Home Industry Keripik Singkong Ayu di Banjareja Menurut Perspektif Ekonomi Islam
There is one problem that is studied in this thesis, namely how to analyze the marketing mix in an effort to increase sales volume at the Ayu Cassava Chips Home Industry in Banjareja according to the perspective of Islamic Economics. The goals that the author wants to achieve are as follows: to find out the right marketing mix strategy to increase sales volume in the Ayu Cassava Chips Home Industry. To reveal these issues in depth and comprehensively, the researchers used qualitative research methods so that in the research results, the researchers obtained a clear picture of the sales activities in the Ayu Cassava Chips Home Industry. Then the data is described, analyzed and discussed to answer these problems. From the results of this study, it was stated that the sales of the Ayu Cassava Chips Home Industry had not yet reached maximum sales, but achieved stable results. Although the products sold are superior, of high quality, and certified halal by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), there are still many obstacles, especially in terms of competing with other companies that are superior to well-known brands.