Peran Umkm Dhika Collection di Desa Ambarwinangun Kecamatan Ambal Kabupaten Kebumen dalam Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup Masyarakat Sekitar Berdasarkan Perspektif Ekonomi Islam
MSMEs (micro, small, and medium enterprises) Dhika Collection in Ambarwinangun Village, Ambal District, Kebumen Regency is a community business engaged in convection. This research was conducted to determine the role of MSMEs Dhika Collection in Ambarwinangun Village, Ambal District, Kebumen Regency to improve the living standards of the surrounding community based on an economic perspective Islam. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach method. The result of this study is that MSMEs Dhika Collection in Ambarwinangun Village, Ambal District, Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province plays a role in absorbing labor so that the absorption of labor can increase economic income. With the increase in economic income, people can meet their living needs such as clothing, food and shelter needs, educational needs, health needs and others so on Based on the Islamic economic perspective, MSMEs teach to share with others the wealth gained, such as zakat, almsgiving, or feeding and drinking. Work together in doing work or all good and always do justice to anyone. Therefore, Dhika Collection MSMEs have a positive role in the lives of the surrounding community, especially the workforce of Dhika Collection MSMEs both in general and in perspective Islamic economics.