Cara Belajar Siswa Berprestasi Kelas III di MI Ma’arif Depokrejo Pasca Pandemi

  • Indah Styowati IAINU Kebumen
  • Agus Nur Soleh IAINU Kebumen
  • Nadia Raifah Nawa Kartika IAINU Kebumen


The purposes of this research is to describethe way students learn achievers in class III at
MI Ma’arif Depokrejo. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive research design.
The research subjects were third grade teachers at MI Ma’arif Depokrejo and the fourth grade
students of Islamic Primary School of Ma’arif (MI Ma’arif) Depokrejo their parents. The method
used in this research is a qualitative method which includes interviews, observation, and
documentation. The data collected is in the form of data, namely the learning method of
outstanding students. The data analysis technique used includes three stages, namely data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that students' learning
methods were such as, studying hars, doing assignments, arranging study schedules, making
material summaries, paying attention to the learning process, understanding and memorizing

How to Cite
Styowati, I., Soleh, A., & Kartika, N. (2022). Cara Belajar Siswa Berprestasi Kelas III di MI Ma’arif Depokrejo Pasca Pandemi. Tarbi: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa, 1(3), 252-258.

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