Blended Learning dalam Pembelajaran Agama Islam pada Pandemi Covid-19

  • Riya Irawan IAINU Kebumen
  • Slamet Mujiono IAINU Kebumen
  • Oky Ristya Trisnawati IAINU Kebumen
Keywords: Blended Learning, Islamic Religious Education, Covid-19 Pandemic


This study aims to determine the implementation of blended learning in PAI
learning at SMK N 1 Kebumen during the Covid-19 Pandemic and the impact of
blended learning in PAI learning in class 10 AKL 3 and 4 at SMK N 1 Kebumen
during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method. Data
collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Technical
analysis of data using data reduction, data presentation and draw conclusions. The
implementation of blended learning in PAI learning at SMK N 1 Kebumen uses
two systems, namely online and offline systems. The implementation of online
learning is carried out using WhatsApp as a medium in learning Islamic religious
education because it makes it easier for students to learn and collect assignments.
The implementation of offline learning is carried out face-to-face and in the
classroom, taking into account health protocols. Offline learning, each class is
divided into 2 groups, namely group A and group B, the learning system shifts once
a week alternating between online and offline learning. The implementation of
blended learning provides a new paradigm, namely learning is no longer centered
on the teacher, but more focused on the learner. The impact of implementing
blended learning on students includes triggering student activity and participation
in learning, where students are allowed to explore a wider range of learning through
other media, not only focusing on the teacher and existing books.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Islamic Religious Education, Covid-19 Pandemic

How to Cite
Irawan, R., Mujiono, S., & Trisnawati, O. (2023). Blended Learning dalam Pembelajaran Agama Islam pada Pandemi Covid-19. Tarbi: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa, 2(1), 46-54.

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