Nilai-Nilai Islam Moderat dalam Pembelajaran PAI pada Masa Pandemi Covid19 Di SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen
This qualitative research aims to determine the process of cultivating moderate Islamic values in the learning of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in Class X at SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen and to determine its success. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation using descriptive-analytic analysis techniques. The research informants were Class X Islamic Education teachers and other related informants. The research was conducted in August-October 2020 during the Covid19 pandemic. The results of the research are that: (1)during the Covid19 pandemic the process of cultivating moderate Islamic values (wasathiyah) regarding al-adl (justice), al-tawazun (balance), and al-tasamuh (tolerance) continues in the X-Class on PAI Learning at SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen according to curriculum guidelines balanced with teacher creativity in incorporating these concepts and values from the start of making lesson plans to the learning evaluation process, (2)the success of planting moderate Islamic values is reflected in the results of the evaluation of learning and participant behavior Class X students of SMKN 1 Kebumen.