Manajemen Blended Learning Nilai Agama dan Moral pada Masa Pandemi di RA Masyitoh Mertasinga Cilacap Utara Kabupaten Cilacap

  • Nurchasanah Nurchasanah RA Maryam Planjan, Kesugihan, Cilacap
Keywords: Blended Learning Management, Religious Value, Moral


The  increasingly  widespread  spread  of  Covid  19  requires  that  learning  in  schools  be carried out online. However, there are several institutions that carry out blended learning, namely  carrying   out  limited   online   and   face-to-face   learning   such  as   RA   Masyitoh   Mertasinga. Formulation of the problem, first how to plan a blended learning of Religious and Moral Values at RA Masyitoh Mertasinga, secondly how to implement blended learning of Religious and Moral Values at RA Masyitoh Mertasinga and third how to evaluate the blended learning of Religious and Moral Values at RA Masyitoh Mertasinga.This  research  is  a  qualitative  research  because  it  produces  qualitative  data.  Collecting data  using  interviews,  observation  and  documentation.  Test  the  validity  of  the data  using triangulation techniques. Data analysis used description techniques with the Miles and Huberman  interaction analysis model with flows including data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.The results of the study concluded, firstly the planning of blended learning on Religious and Moral Values at RA Masyitoh Mertasinga includes planning at the institutional level, namely preparing  blended  learning  supporting  facilities  and  infrastructure  and  planning  at  the  teacher level,  namely  setting  material,  setting  goals,  setting  strategies,  methods  and  media,  compiling a syllabus, establishing learning activities, planning evaluation and determining follow-up steps, the second is the implementation of blended learning, namely the delivery of material by the teacher to students through a series of activities to teach students actively, creatively, productively and fun by applying various strategies and methods and using media and teaching aids to achieve learning objectives and the third evaluation of blended learning includes evaluation of the implementation of blended learning and evaluation of student learning outcomes



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How to Cite
Nurchasanah, N. (2021). Manajemen Blended Learning Nilai Agama dan Moral pada Masa Pandemi di RA Masyitoh Mertasinga Cilacap Utara Kabupaten Cilacap. Ar-Rihlah: Jurnal Inovasi Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam, 6(1), 35-49.